What is Goodreads? You may think that its only a website about Good reads, as the title states, but its much more than that! Goodreads is a website that staright out, gets u ADDICTED! At first I thought it was only about books, and reviewing books, and all that, but then as I went deep into it, I found that it was a socializing website, the people on GR are amazing, seriously? I think its even better than facebook, and thats saying something, you talk about whatever you want, depends on the threads they have on there, random topics im telling you, so its not only about books, you meet people from around the world, people from different cultures and backgrounds and you actually learn something! You learn about society and the different countries and all that, you compare which book you wanna read first haha (Like I do :p) and u get advice, its like this helpline, lol. If someone asked me to stop GR, its like asking an addicted smoker to stop smoking, its an addiction, and its all because of the wonderful people on there. I actually unblocked this website from school, that's how i addicted I was. Also, your writing! You post your writing up on there for the world to see and vote on and comment on, I mean what more can you get? You chat, you review, you vote, you make groups, you post up your writing, you blog, you make polls up, you role play, you make events and invite people, you post pictures, facebook cant compete with it, well thats in my opinion, oh and the people on there are like as crazy as you, haha, the friends I've made, I dont regret a thing, I dont think I'll ever get over Goodreads or stop going on it, man its even taking over my studies, so thats pretty much GR! Oh and it keeps u updated on nearly everything haha
my profile^^